Thursday, June 7, 2012

Back To The Mastery

Back in November I took part in a weekend workshop/seminar/life-changing experience known as the Mastery. Details of that event are posted here. Once someone participates in such a weekend, they can drop by any other Mastery event anywhere in the world, to help out or just observe. Last month, that opportunity came up for me when the Mastery returned to Toronto. At first, I wasn't overly enthusiastic about visiting. I would have to give up three hours of Saturday or Sunday in order to have an hour-long visit, once you factor in the transit time. Saturday is the one day in the week when I can spend quality time with my wife Violet (our work schedules don't work well together), and most weekends I make an effort to be as lazy as possible. Nevertheless, I chose to go. I'd made some good friends during my Mastery weekend, and many of them would be there helping out. Plus, the facilitators for the weekend were none other than Larry Gilman and Tammy Cunningham, the dynamic duo of fearless leaders from my November experience. Larry lives in Los Angeles, so a visit from him is a rare treat. While I was there that Saturday afternoon, I could not understand why on Earth I'd been reluctant. Friends surrounded me, and there were hugs and kisses aplenty. It was like visiting family; I was welcome. When I arrived, the new students/participants/fresh meat were in the middle of an activity. I threw myself into it, delighted to take part. I genuinely wanted to help these people whom I'd only just met. The Mastery breeds instant love, with very little room for negativity. Tammy and Larry were in their element, doing what they do best, and it was a joy to see them in action once more. I felt inspired and energetic - more alive - just being there. What is the Mastery? Still can't tell you. As I said before, it's really something you'll have to discover for yourself, should you so choose. It might just be your next step, the thing that puts you back on your true path. I know it was for me.

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